Benefitting Victims of Human Trafficking

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Join Legacy of the West in the most powerful party you’ll ever attend as we turn our attention to saving these kids BEFORE they’re victims.
FACT: 60% of US Kids Aging Out of Foster Care Fall Victim to Human Trafficking.
For the third year, Legacy of the West Gala is set to unite the Western community in a star-studded event to raise awareness of and funding for victims of sex trafficking. The cause is sobering — taking a stand to help is personally empowering and the event itself is fun and inspiring. In 2019, Legacy of the West Gala raised over $50,000 that directly supported sex trafficking victims.
WHEN: December 8, 2020
WHAT TIME: Reception at 12 p.m. Program 1-3 pm
WHERE: River Ranch Stockyards, 500 NE 23rd Street Fort Worth, Texas
WHY: Unifying the Western community to fight sex trafficking through prevention and funding of programs to directly help victims.
WHAT’S ON THE PROGRAM: The world premiere of LOTW’s 2021 awareness campaign Longest Runway; Blue Carpet photo ops, LOTW awards for honorees, Junior Roughstock Association year-end winner’s presentation, Smarty Dummy Roping, musical guests, LIVE auction by the hottest, most entertaining woman auctioneer in the US, Johan Graham of Bid Fast & Last.
Tickets: General Admission - $50 each / 2 for $75 | VIP - $100 each / 2 for $150 | GROUP SPECIAL - Table for 8 - $300. Tickets can be purchased HERE
Gold Sponsor: $5,000 - Logo on all event signage and Longest Runway Campaign pilot, Legacy of the West plaque.
Red Carpet Sponsor: $1,000 - Sponsor name at table, two VIP tickets, logo on Blue Carpet Photo Experience, business promo item inclusion in VIP bags.